Millennial Homebuyers: What They Want and How to Sell to Them
As the largest generation of homebuyers today, millennials have a significant impact on the housing market. Unlike previous generations, millennials approach home buying with different goals, priorities, and financial circumstances. To successfully navigate the process of selling a home to millennials, it's essential to understand what this group wants and what motivates their decisions. This article will explore the key traits of millennial homebuyers and offer strategies for real estate agents and sellers to appeal to this influential group. Millennials: The New Majority in Home Buying Millennials, often defined as those born between 1981 and 1996, are now in their late twenties to early forties, an age range that represents prime home-buying years. Despite facing significant financial challenges, including student loan debt, high living costs, and the impact of the 2008 financial crisis, millennials are eager to own homes. However, their homeownership journey is delayed compare...